Ozone Therapy


Ozone is an unstable molecule that is created when three Oxygen molecules are bonded to one another.   Typically, oxygen is most stable when two oxygen molecules are bonded together as O2.   Ozone is O3.  Ozone is of course found in nature.  That slightly metallic smell that can be perceived after a thunderstorm is Ozone. The Ozone is generated by the electricity in the air and is good for the plants receiving the water from the rain.  In the clinic, ozone is generated by exposing medical oxygen to an Ultraviolet B light in an ozone generator. 

List of Diseases that are treated in our office with Ozone:

  1.  Pancreatitis

  2. Diarrhea

  3. GI Dysbiosis

  4. Hot Spots

  5. Bladder Infections

  6. Prostatitis

  7. Kidney disease

  8. Ear infections

  9. Inflammation of the mouth

  10. Arthritis – especially spinal

  11. Disc Disease

  12. Cancer

  13. Wound care

  14. Burns

How Ozone is applied:

  1. Ozone gas – Given rectally 

  2. Ozonated Water – Given orally 

  3. Ozonated Saline – Given Subcutaneously, or Rectally

  4. Ozonated Olive Oil – Suppositories

Regardless of the application method, Ozone acts both locally and systemically.

If you would like to find out more about this treatment, you can visit this YouTube channel.

We are excited about ozone therapy and are pleased to be able to offer this incredible treatment to our patients.

To make an appointment:

We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Give us a call or make sure to ask us about it during your next visit!